52 A.D.
After an eighteen-month stay in Corinth, Paul is brought
before Gallio, the deputy of Achaia from April 52 to April 53,
Paul returns to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
53 A.D.
Spring, Paul begins a three-year journey through Galatia,
Phrygia, Ephesus, Macedonia, and back to Jerusalem.
54 A.D.
Nero becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire.
56 A.D.
Pentecost, Paul returns to Jerusalem and is arrested, he
spends two years in prison at Caesarea 56 to 58.
58 A.D.
Festus replaces Felix as the Procurator of Judea, Paul
appeals to Caesar and begins his voyage to Rome after the Day of
59 A.D.
Spring, Paul arrives in Rome, spends two years, and is
released in 61.
62 A.D.
Afranius Burrus murdered by Poppaea Sabina. Poppaea becomes
Nero's wife.
64 A.D.
"Nero's" fire at Rome, beginning of the persecutions of the
THIS THIRTEENTH examination is given to help you BETTER
UNDERSTAND your Bible and EVALUATE your own progress.
You should by all means take this test after finishing the
enclosed lesson. It is a SIMPLE EXAMINATION covering your studies
in this thirteenth group of four lessons. It's a quick review to
help you REMEMBER and put to PRACTICAL USE the vital Truth of God
you have learned. It also lets us know of your CONTINUED interest
in the study of your Bible.
Notice that there are 81 questions in this test. Also notice
that FOUR CHOICES are given under EACH question. These are
labeled A, B, C, D. ONLY ONE of these four choices is the CORRECT
answer! The other three are FALSE, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.
CHOICES. You do this by CIRCLING the letter of the answer you
feel to be correct. The correct answers to the first two
questions are already circled for you as examples. Repeat this
procedure for each question. (Generally speaking, the incorrect
answers are FALSE ideas which are taught and believed about the
Notice that the questions are divided into four parts --
corresponding to this present group of four lessons. We advise
you not to cover more than one lesson at a sitting. Take
sufficient time to understand each question. Try to answer as
many questions as you can without referring to the lessons. If
you find any difficult questions, then REFER TO THE LESSONS. We
expect you to do so -- it isn't cheating!
Once you have finished going over the questions and are
satisfied with your answers, FILL OUT your ANSWER CARD by placing
an "X" in the box which corresponds to the selection you have
chosen (circled) to be the correct answer FOR EACH QUESTION.
(Notice that the first two questions are already marked correctly
for you on your answer card as examples.) That's all there is to
it! It's very simple and fast.
You are to SEND ONLY THE ANSWER CARD in to us when filled
out. Handle your answer card carefully at all times. A SMOOTH
CARD is easier to grade. Your grade will NOT be recorded in any
of our files -- only YOU will have that record once we return
your answer card. The only purpose for our correcting and grading
your answer card is to HELP YOU better understand your Bible and
evaluate your own progress.
We will CONTINUE to send you further lessons as long as you
sincerely desire to understand more of the Bible. So be sure to
TAKE THIS TEST and send us your completed answer card.
Lesson 49
1. The Church Jesus built
A. separated into many sects and denominations.
B. does not exist today.
C. exists today and is doing His Work.
D. lasted for several centuries but then died.
2. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE?
A. Jesus Christ said that His Church would gradually grow
into a vast multitude.
B. The True Church has always been composed of a
comparatively small number of people.
C. Shortly after the time of Christ, most of the people in
the Middle East had come into the True Church.
D. There has always been a large number of people faithful
to God.
3. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE?
A. Historians find a great yawning gap between the history
given in the book of Acts and the beginning of continuous,
authentic ecclesiastical history.
B. History thoroughly documents the development of Christ's
New Testament followers into the Roman Catholic Church.
C. We can tell from the writings of the earliest "church
fathers" that their church was identical to the true New
Testament Church.
D. The doctrines of the "church fathers" rested solely on
the Bible.
4. The True Gospel during the first 19 years of the Church
A. was absolutely limited to Judea.
B. reached only a few towns in Judea.
C. was preached only in Jerusalem.
D. was heard by the majority of people in Judea.
5. Was God's Church persecuted in those early years?
A. No. Christ saved the Church from all oppression.
B. Only by Herod the king.
C. Yes, many that lived in a righteous manner were
D. No. Religious leaders were not hostile to the Church of
6. The deacon Philip began to carry the Gospel beyond Judea by
preaching to
A. Syrians.
B. Samaritans.
C. Romans.
D. Russians.
7. Why -- of all the Gentiles -- did Christ begin to call some of
the Samaritans?
A. They were just naturally righteous people.
B. Since they had adopted much from the Jew's religion, they
were most likely to acknowledge the Truth.
C. There wasn't anybody else around.
D. The apostles were especially fond of the Samaritans.
8. Did the apostle Peter lead a "Judaizing party" within the
A. Yes, Peter was biased towards the Jews.
B. No, Peter led a "Romanizing party" within the Church.
C. Yes, Peter felt his group should lead the Church.
D. Absolutely not. He did not lead any special group or
party within the Church.
9. Paul's mission was to go to the
A. Gentile Greeks only.
B. Gentiles, and kings and the children of Israel.
C. Parthians and Indians.
D. Roman Emperor, governors and judges.
10. Which ONE of these four statements about the New Testament is
A. It was preserved through the Hebrew language.
B. God chose the Samaritan people to preserve the New
C. The Greek language was used to preserve it.
D. The English of the KING JAMES VERSION was the original
language of the New Testament.
11. Peter
A. was sent to the Greek-speaking world by Jesus Christ.
B. was in supreme authority over the other apostles.
C. made visits to many different areas as a supervisor and
coordinator sent by Jesus Christ.
D. spent most of his time in Rome.
12. The MAIN commission given to the Twelve Apostles was
A. to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
B. to go to the vast Gentile nations.
C. to preach to the Samaritans.
D. to spread the Gospel among the Jews.
13. After the death of the apostle Peter the supervision of the
Work of the Church went to
A. John.
B. Bartholomew.
C. Simon Magus.
D. the Pontifex Maximus.
14. Which ONE of these four statements about the Gospel in the
early Church period is FALSE?
A. The true Gospel was carried into India.
B. People in Cilicia and Armenia heard the Truth.
C. The area of Scythia was never reached by the apostles.
D. The apostle Paul went to the Greeks and others.
15. In his letter, the apostle James addressed the
A. Ethiopians.
B. all the Gentiles of Asia Minor.
C. Jews only.
D. the Twelve Tribes which were scattered abroad.
16. God's Church in Jerusalem fled to Pella about 69 A.D.
A. although no armies had (recently) encompassed Jerusalem.
B. after a supernatural voice at the Feast of Pentecost told
them to.
C. after Nero burnt the city of Jerusalem.
D. when the group got so big they had to go somewhere else.
17. Where, in the Greek world, was the first era of the Church of
God centered?
A. Ephesus.
B. Corinth.
C. Pergamos.
D. Rome.
18. The Ephesian era of the Church
A. was not disappointed when Jesus Christ did not return
B. ended with the death of Paul.
C. continued alert and alive after the death of all the
first generation of Christians.
D. lost its first love.
19. Who presided over the Work of the Church after the death of
A. Simon Magus.
B. Philip.
C. Polycarp.
D. Emperor Trajan.
20. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. A Gentile named Marcus attained leadership in the
Jerusalem (Pella) Church and disfellowshipped faithful members.
B. There were false ministers who led people away from the
truth in both the Ephesus and Smyrna eras.
C. There were wolves in sheep's clothing who "entered" the
Church for no other purpose than to deceive others.
D. No one managed to lead any of the Smyrna Christians
21. The Synagogue of Satan
A. claimed to worship Satan.
B. was composed of Jews and followed the Jewish religion.
C. was originally primarily composed of Samaritans and
claimed to worship Jesus Christ.
D. has not continued to our day.
22. Ebionites
A. is what the true Christians of the Smyrna era called
B. the name that professing Christians applied to the Church
of God.
C. were ALL true Christians.
D. were such "poor people" that they were unable to carry on
any Church Work during the Smyrna era
Lesson 50
23. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. Christians are to be subject to the power of governments.
B. No power or office exists but such as is permitted by
C. Those who resist the powers that be, when there is no
conflict with God's Law, are also resisting God.
D. Christians are to resist secular authorities at all
24. Jesus Christ warned that persecution would come upon the
Church immediately following
A. famines, pestilences and earthquakes.
B. the beginning of the Millennium.
C. the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
D. His death and resurrection, but never again in history.
25. Which ONE of these four statements about Constantine is
A. Emperor Constantine was not a true Christian.
B. He helped establish the power of the Church of Rome.
C. He was a true Christian.
D. He worshipped the sun god.
26. The Church in the Smyrna Era
A. was extinguished to the last member by the persecutions.
B. was not finally ruined and forced to flee from the Roman
C. was called upon to endure a great 10-year persecution.
D. did not know what to do when legislation made its
existence impossible within the dominion of Rome.
27. What did Jesus promise individuals in the "Smyrna" Church for
being faithful until death?
A. A crown of life.
B. The beatific vision.
C. Wings and a harp.
D. Their own personal cloud and halo.
28. The woman who fled into the wilderness (Rev. 12) to be
protected by God was
A. the great whore of Rev. 17.
B. a woman who lived for a long time before the Flood.
C. a type of a Protestant Church
D. a symbol of the True Church.
29. Was the local Church of Pergamos persecuted?
A. Yes, those who held fast to the faith were persecuted.
B. No, Christ saved that Church from all persecution.
C. The Christians of Pergamos recanted as a group to avoid
D. Yes, because they revolted and tried to overthrow the
Roman government.
30. Pergamos was the seat of
A. the Pergamos Era of the Church.
B. God the Father.
C. Satan's government, both religious and political, for the
Province of Asia.
D. the king of Armenia.
31. During the Pergamos Era of the Church of God, the scattered
remnants of True Christians were mainly in
A. Scythia.
B. Egypt.
C. Armenia.
D. India.
32. Who was Constantine of Mananali?
A. Emperor of Rome.
B. A minister of God and a martyr for Christianity.
C. A pagan philosopher from Mananali.
D. An unrighteous monk from Mananali.
33. Which ONE of these four statements about Balaam is TRUE?
A. He was a king of Moab.
B. Balaam was a faithful prophet of God.
C. He was an apostle though not one of the twelve.
D. Balaam was a great pagan prophet who wanted the rewards
offered him if he would curse Israel.
34. What was Balaam's counsel to Balak?
A. To leave the camp of Israel alone.
B. To encourage sacrifices, idolatry and fornication.
C. Not to tempt the Israelites into sinning.
D. To sell the Israelites strong drink.
35. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. The Church in the Pergamos Era allowed fellowship with
some who held the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes.
B. Nicolaitanes believed in indulging themselves.
C. Nicolaitanes and "Balaamites" sprang from the same
D. Nicolaitanes were true Christians of the Pergamos Church.
36. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. Ephesus Era Christians were known as Nazarenes.
B. Smyrna Era Christians were known as Ebionites.
C. Pergamos Era Christians were acknowledged by all to be
followers of Christ.
D. Pergamos Era Christians were known as Paulicians.
37. The Paulicians were
A. members of the Church of God founded by Jesus Christ.
B. a sect which split from the Smyrna Church.
C. followers of the apostle Paul to the exclusion of all
other apostles.
D. Manichaeans.
38. To be an apostle of Christ one has to be
A. a man of human nobility.
B. a fisherman, publican or tax collector.
C. a close relative of Jesus.
D. a man "qualified" through the Holy Spirit for the
39. The "doctrine of Balaam" is
A. to go as far in the way of evil as the individual dares.
B. asking God's advice in everything.
C. offering incense and burning candles.
D. non-violence.
40. The Paulicians perished as an effective Church because
A. they sent out too many of their number as missionaries.
B. they allowed the unconverted to remain in fellowship with
C. even the truly converted members took up the sword of
D. Byzantine Emperors transported them to Europe.
Lesson 51
41. Which ONE of these four is NOT included among the doctrines
of demons mentioned by Paul?
A. Abstaining from meats that were intended to be eaten.
B. Religious celibacy.
C. Keeping the Sabbath.
D. Abstaining from eggs, cheese, etc.
42. Why are persons who hold such doctrines of demons found where
God's Church is found?
A. Because they like God's people.
B. Studying the Bible makes people crackpots.
C. These ascetic doctrines are found EVERYWHERE.
D. Where there is enough religious freedom for God's Church
to exist, all kinds of heresies are able to exist also.
43. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. The city of Thyatira is first mentioned in Scripture in
connection with a woman from there who sold cloth.
B. Jesus Christ had already prepared the minds of many
people in western Europe before He began the Thyatira Era of His
C. There is no demonstrable connection between the late
Pergamos Era and the Thyatira Era of the Church.
D. Both ancient Thyatira and the beginning of the Thyatira
Era were associated with cloth merchants and the textile
44. When did burning to death first become the regular penalty
for believing what the established church considered heresy?
A. In pagan Roman times.
B. When Polycarp was burned.
C. About 1000 A.D.
D. When John Huss was burned.
45. Peter of Bruys, and later Henry, held what office in the
Church of God?
A. Apostle.
B. Missionary.
C. Deacon.
D. Oracle.
46. Which ONE of these four was NOT one of the doctrines of Peter
of Bruys?
A. Baptism of persons after real repentance.
B. Opposition to worship of idols or images.
C. Keeping the true Sabbath.
D. Prayers for the dead to get them out of purgatory.
47. The Church in the Thyatira Era
A. did not suffer from any persecution.
B. was prophesied to consist of two successive Works.
C. was not greatly hindered by the martyrdoms of both Peter
and Henry.
D. began about 1500 A.D.
48. Before he was converted, Peter Waldo was a
A. Dominican friar.
B. medieval knight.
C. successful businessman.
D. man who had dedicated his life and property to religion.
49. Who were the Poor Men of Lyons?
A. A group of unwashed beggers.
B. Co-workers and Christians associated with Waldo.
C. Some businessmen who had gone bankrupt.
D. Monks who had taken a vow of poverty.
50. A turning point for the Church of God came when
A. the Pope supported Waldo in his efforts to preach the
B. it seceded from the Catholic Church.
C. it adopted more popular doctrines.
D. Waldo crossed the Alps to teach the "Waldenses" in Italy.
51. The Work grew so rapidly in Italy that
A. a new denomination was founded.
B. the Church raised and armed its own soldiers.
C. a hospital and mental institution was founded.
D. a college was established to train the additional
ministers needed.
52. Few of God's ministers in the Middle Ages married because
A. did not want to expose wives and children to their hard
and dangerous journeys.
B. believed that a representative of God should be celibate.
C. didn't like women.
D. were following the example of the Church of Rome.
53. Why did the ministers of God in the Middle Ages memorize
large segments of Scripture?
A. Because of a scarcity of Bibles and the danger in
carrying them.
B. They liked to show off.
C. Like many of the Roman priests of their day, they
couldn't read.
D. A Bible was too heavy to carry in those days.
54. Which ONE of these four things did the True Church during the
Middle Ages NOT do?
A. Observe the Passover.
B. Celebrate Christ's birthday.
C. Believe the literal meaning of Scripture.
D. Tithe.
55. Which ONE of these four things did Thyatira Christians do IN
A. Attend the fall Feast of Tabernacles.
B. Make pilgrimages to various shrines.
C. Prepare for Halloween.
D. Assemble in God's house every Sunday.
56. How did Christians in the Thyatira Era afford to attend this
annual festival?
A. Only the rich could go.
B. They used a part of their "first tithe" for the purpose.
C. They saved a special "second tithe" as God commands, and
those who had excess shared with those who had less.
D. The Church paid the expense for those the ministers
wanted to have attend.
57. The Albigensian Crusade was
A. a tent revival.
B. a massive attack and butchery of Christians and
non-Christians alike begun by Pope Innocent III in southern
C. the only instance of unscrupulous policies designed to
crush all opposition to papal rule.
D. not responsible for the subsequent decline of
civilization in southern France.
58. Who was the "Jezebel" who seduced the Church of God in the
Thyatira Era?
A. Ahab's wife.
B. A local woman member of the Church.
C. A great whorish church.
D. An ordained female minister who had turned against the
59. The Waldensian emblem or coat of arms
A. illustrates the position of the Thyatira Era among the
seven Churches.
B. shows the Church in the Thyatira Era did not understand
the vision of the seven stars and seven candlesticks found in
Revelation 1.
C. shows God's people knew who Jezebel was.
D. does not have any meaning.
60. As a result of "Jezebel's" seductions
A. the Waldenses became more firmly united.
B. the light of the Truth in the Middle Ages shone brighter.
C. many unconverted Waldenses in Italy rebelled against
D. Waldo was martyred.
61. Most of the later Waldenses in the early days of the
Protestant Reformation
A. remained steadfast against Jezebel and her doctrines.
B. worshipped on Sunday.
C. rejected the Mass and all other Catholic institutions.
D. were truly repentant and converted members of God's
Lesson 52
62. One of the major tasks of God's Church in the Thyatira Era
A. to go from door to door and convert people.
B. to be an example to others by keeping Sunday.
C. burn incense, count beads and visit shrines.
D. to translate, copy and make known the Scriptures.
63. Ecclesiastical authorities in the Middle Ages
A. subsidized the translators and copyists of the Holy
B. did not concern themselves with the Bible at all.
C. did all they could to keep Scripture manuscripts out of
D. organized energetic programs to teach the masses how to
64. Lollards
A. originally meant those who MUMBLED as they memorized
B. were unheard of before John Wycliffe.
C. is a name that never was used by Catholic authorities to
include all so-called "heretics."
D. were not Waldenses.
65. By 1400 the name Lollard was especially connected with
A. Spain.
B. Italy.
C. Norway.
D. England.
66. Why is Wycliffe important in the history of the Church?
A. He held the office of apostle in God's Church.
B. He prophesied great events to happen.
C. He began a translation of the Bible into English.
D. He pastored many churches.
67. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. The Lollards became extinct within a few years after the
death of Wycliffe.
B. Lollards spread to new parts of England because they were
persecuted by the established church and the government.
C. Lollards said that the Papacy was the beast of Revelation
13 and antichrist.
D. There were still Lollards down to the time of the
Protestant Reformation.
68. The Lollard "movement" helped prepare England for the
A. Seven Years' War.
B. Protestant Reformation.
C. discovery of America.
D. defeat of the Spanish Armada.
69. What help did Christ provide for His Church just when it was
A. Complete religious freedom in northwestern Europe.
B. Martin Luther.
C. The New World to flee to.
D. The printing press.
70. What was the importance of the invention of printing?
A. The persecutors immediately gave up trying to keep the
Bible out of the hands of the people.
B. Daily newspapers began to be printed.
C. Bibles could now be produced more rapidly and cheaply,
and the Gospel spread much more widely.
D. It was not really important until radio too was invented.
71. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. One of the first volumes to be printed was the
"Gutenberg" Bible.
B. The Roman Church welcomed the increase of Bibles.
C. The established religion did its utmost to take and burn
as many printed Bibles as possible.
D. The price of Bibles went down.
72. What caused the Church of God in the late Middle Ages to
become spiritually weak and powerless?
A. A lack of total obedience to God.
B. Not eating enough protein foods.
C. Not getting enough exercise.
D. Poor climate.
73. What did Daniel prophesy concerning the True Church in the
Middle Ages?
A. It would be rich and increased with goods.
B. Most of Europe would belong to the Church.
C. Jesus Christ would give His Church no help.
D. Some of its members would suffer by sword, flame and
74. "Many shall cleave to them with flatteries" means that
A. most of the world will flatter God's people by telling
them how good they are.
B. the Church will grow big.
C. many who profess to be members of the Church have never
really repented and received God's Spirit.
D. God's Church was to be very attractive to the world.
75. Why did some of the faithful have to be martyred?
A. To encourage the rest.
B. Because even they needed to be made perfect.
C. Because Christ was martyred, and no servant is greater
than his master.
D. Just because they lived in a bloodthirsty age.
76. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. Sabbath keeping survived to the late Middle Ages in many
B. The Russian Empire was the only part of Europe in which
no Sabbath keepers were found in the late Thyatira Era.
C. People kept Saturday in Bohemia.
D. Sabbath keepers were found in Finland.
77. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. Where Protestantism triumphed, persecution of God's
Church ceased.
B. The Waldenses were completely worn out by the constant
pressure exerted by "the little horn."
C. Waldenses in Austria had become spiritually dead in the
15th century.
D. Even after Lutheranism was dominant, a remnant in Norway
continued the practice of keeping the Sabbath and attending
public worship on Sunday.
78. According to Daniel 7, how long would the saints be
A. 2520 years.
B. 1000 years.
C. 3 1/2 years or 1260 days.
D. "A time and times and the dividing of time" -- 1260
79. The 1260 years of the flight of the Church of God ended about
A. 1814
B. 1492
C. 1585.
D. 1917.
80. Andreas E"ssi was a
A. papal legate.
B. Christian leader of the late Thyatira Era Church.
C. wine merchant.
D. character from a Hungarian fairy tale.
81. The fable that there was a "presbyter John" in Asia Minor, in
addition to the apostle John,
A. is a deliberate hoax.
B. provides the only logical explanation for the difference
in writing style which exists between the Gospel of John and the
book of Revelation.
C. discredits all that was written in the book of
D. proves that the "higher critics" are right after all.
Now That You've Finished ...
Fill out your answer card as instructed on page 3. After
doing this, check over your completed answer card with the
answers you circled in the test to be ABSOLUTELY SURE you placed
the X's in the proper squares. Also check to see that your name
and address has been PRINTED CORRECTLY on the mailing label! If
you have moved or changed your name, please print the changes on
the label.
Mail your completed answer card back to us by just adding
postage and dropping it into a mailbox. But be sure not to bend
or fold it. Smooth cards help us to speed the grading of
thousands of test cards every month.
three holes punched in its margin. This is so you can FILE IT IN
YOUR NOTEBOOK after the four lessons it covers.
REVIEW these questions occasionally. Why? Because reviewing
will impress the true answers more firmly upon your mind. And
reviewing the false answers given for each question will help you
to realize more clearly some of the FALSE ideas which you may
have taken for granted. You will thereby grasp and retain the
TRUTH much better when it is presented to you in future lessons.
Be sure to request your copy of the free booklets and
reprinted articles listed below, if you do not already have them.
They will help you to further understand the subjects covered in
Lessons 49, 50, 51 and 52.
GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY -- Should You Submit to It?
Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go?
The Apostles' Creed
What is "the Synagogue of Satan"?
The Bible Versus the Dead Sea Scrolls
What is the Biblical Name for the True Church?
Personal From the Editor
Crusade For Sanity
1-C 10-C 19-C 28-D 37-A 46-D 55-A 64-A 73-D
2-B 11-C 20-D 29-A 38-D 47-B 56-C 65-D 74-C
3-A 12-A 21-C 30-C 39-A 48-C 57-B 66-C 75-B
4-D 13-A 22-B 31-C 40-B 49-B 58-C 67-A 76-B
5-C 14-C 23-D 32-B 41-C 50-D 59-A 68-B 77-A
6-B 15-D 24-A 33-D 42-D 51-D 60-C 69-D 78-D
7-B 16-B 25-C 34-B 43-C 52-A 61-B 70-C 79-C
8-D 17-A 26-C 35-D 44-C 53-A 62-D 71-B 80-B
9-B 18-D 27-A 36-C 45-A 54-B 63-C 72-A 81-A