(1959, 1966)
About Our Cover ...
Our Test Four cover is a composite of the cover pictures of your fourth group of four lessons. Each Correspondence Course test is designed to TEACH, as well as help you evaluate your progress. You will enjoy this convenient means of putting to PRACTICAL USE the knowledge you have learned from the Bible. -------------------- an open letter from THE EDITOR ...
JUST NOW, as I write, I have been reading a sort of abbreviated editorial-lead article in one of the mass-circulation weekly magazines. The caption caught my eye instantly. It was about the real PURPOSE for being alive.
This is not only the most important -- it also is the LEAST UNDERSTOOD question in the whole world. Here was the very first page of reading -- on the inside front cover -- of a magazine with a circulation of many million copies, read by MILLIONS of people. I wondered. Would the author of this short-short article really KNOW -- would the publishers of this magazine be able to TELL their millions of readers -- this great TRUTH that almost NOBODY knows?
What the average mother would want for her child, he assumed, is "to be happy." But the author viewed "happiness" as a myth -- or perhaps what he really meant was that the average CONCEPT of happiness is a myth. He described it as "this idiotic thing, 'fun.'" He sees today's world in frantic pursuit of "fun." He views it as seeking desperate escape from the self. He explained that the word "fun" is derived from the old English word "foe" which meant "fool." Of course all this is a perverted definition of true HAPPINESS.
But this writer saw the world's conception of "happiness" or "fun" as freedom from trials, troubles, uncertainties, pains -- as an EASY life. He spoke of the "dignity of occasional depression." He flatly stated that being HAPPY is NOT the purpose of life. He remembered the time when most parents wanted their children to AMOUNT TO SOMETHING.
"The purpose of life," he then said dogmatically, "is to MATTER, to be productive, to have it make some difference that you lived at all."
Now what's wrong with that?
Simply that this writer did not KNOW the real purpose of life at all! He saw nothing beyond this fleeting wisp of existence. He saw nothing of a CREATOR, who is working out a PURPOSE here below -- and who had PURPOSE in designing and making MAN, and that there is a potential DESTINY for man of which he was in total and abysmal ignorance.
God is the Supreme Personal BEING, of supreme intelligence, wisdom, total knowledge and power -- the Almighty, the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe. God is also perfect, holy, spiritual CHARACTER.
God's PURPOSE is to reproduce Himself -- to CREATE in us, with our free choice and effort, His very own righteous character, and ultimately to endow us with His own glory and supreme POWER.
That is why God made man in His own IMAGE, physically, and endowed him with MIND like God's -- except limited and fallible.
Righteous spiritual CHARACTER is the ability, in an intelligent separate entity of free moral agency, to come to the knowledge of the true as distinguished from the false, to CHOOSE the right instead of the wrong, to WILL to DO the right, exercising self-discipline, guiding the mind and the self in the RIGHT WAY, SO that this person may safely be entrusted with greater and SUPERnatural powers.
To come to the knowledge of the TRUTH -- to come to KNOW GOD -- to recognize and yield to HIS PURPOSE -- to submit to HIS WILL in the understanding that it is the way that is right and good for us -- to overcome our human natures -- to GROW spiritually in the knowledge and way of Christ -- to develop this righteous spiritual character, or, more properly, to CHOOSE to yield to God's CREATING that character within us, with our own free and right choice, our supreme effort in that direction, and our FAITH and total reliance on God's power to carry us through -- all that is the development and creation of right CHARACTER.
And THAT is the PURPOSE of life. THAT is our only right GOAL, and mission in life. IF we do that, in obedience and in faith, God will change our vile human bodies instantaneously, at Christ's coming, and convert or CHANGE US from mortal to immortal; from human to divine; from flesh and blood (matter) into SPIRIT.
But this process follows the WAY that leads, through this life, to maximum possible REAL happiness, to joy, to even economic success, to the full, abundant life. It is the way to peace of mind, to security, to a vigorous, busy, active life of ACCOMPLISHMENT.
It is the ONLY way in which one's life may have really MATTERED -- the ONLY kind of AMOUNTING TO SOMETHING that really counts -- or can last on past this life.
It's the only way that PAYS -- here and now, through THIS life, as well as for eternity!
THIS FOURTH examination is given to help YOU BETTER UNDERSTAND your Bible and EVALUATE your own progress.
You should by all means take this test after finishing the enclosed lesson. It is a SIMPLE EXAMINATION covering your studies in this fourth group of four lessons. It's a quick review to help you REMEMBER and put to PRACTICAL USE the vital Truth of God you have learned. It also lets us know of your CONTINUED interest in the study of your Bible.
Notice that there are 81 questions in this test. Also notice that FOUR CHOICES are given under EACH question. These are labeled A, B, C, D. ONLY ONE of these four choices is the CORRECT answer! The other three are FALSE, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.
YOU ARE TO SELECT THE ONE RIGHT ANSWER FROM AMONG THESE FOUR CHOICES. You do this by CIRCLING the letter of the answer you feel to be correct. The correct answers to the first two questions are already circled for you as examples. Repeat this procedure for each question. (Generally speaking, the INCORRECT answers are FALSE ideas which are taught and believed about the subject.)
Notice that the questions are divided into four parts -- corresponding to this present group of four lessons. We advise you not to cover more than one lesson at a sitting. Take sufficient time to understand each question. Try to answer as many questions as you can without referring to the lessons. If you find any difficult questions, then REFER TO THE LESSONS. We expect you to do so -- it isn't cheating!
Once you have finished going over the questions and are satisfied with your answers, fill OUT your ANSWER CARD by placing an "X" in the box which corresponds to the selection you have chosen (circled) to be the correct answer FOR EACH QUESTION. (Notice that the first two questions are already marked correctly for you on your answer card as examples.) That's all there is to it! It's very simple and fast.
You are to SEND ONLY THE ANSWER CARD in to us when filled out. Handle your answer card carefully at all times. A SMOOTH CARD is easier to grade. Your grade will NOT be recorded in any of our files -- only YOU will have that record once we return your answer card. The only purpose for our correcting and grading your answer card is to HELP YOU better understand your Bible and evaluate your own progress.
We will CONTINUE to send you further lessons as long as you sincerely desire to understand more of the Bible. So be sure to TAKE THIS TEST and send us your completed answer card.
Lesson 13
1. To retain material studied with these lessons, it is best to
A. depend entirely on the memory, because taking notes is a waste of time.
B. just READ the scripture references given in answer to lesson questions.
C. WRITE DOWN the answers and conclusions so that they can be rapidly reviewed.
D. write down the answers only, without adding any pertinent ideas of your own.
2. We can have positive assurance of what will happen to us after death because
A. this world's ministers tell us the facts.
B. the Bible reveals it.
C. our parents have taught us this knowledge.
D. we can discover this vital information for ourselves.
3. Why is Abraham so important to Christians?
A. Because of the promise God made to him.
B. He isn't. He's just an Old Testament character of no significance.
C. Only because God liked him.
D. Certainly not because he is the "father of the faithful."
4. Was heaven promised to Abraham as a reward for righteousness?
A. Yes, the Bible says so.
B. We can't be sure.
C. Only time will tell.
D. Absolutely not!
5. Has any man, aside from Christ, ever ascended into heaven where God is?
A. Yes, all the "good" people who have ever lived.
B. Who can tell, for the Bible does not say.
C. No one but Christ has ascended to heaven.
D. Yes, all those who had rigidly made up their minds, before they died, that they were going there.
6. Is this earth basically such an undesirable place that one could NEVER desire it as an eternal inheritance?
A. Yes.
B. No, for it is a desirable inheritance just as it is.
C. No, for it would be a very desirable inheritance if sin and the results of sin were removed from it.
D. The earth could NEVER be a desirable inheritance under any conditions.
7. Did Abraham have to be obedient before God's promise was made certain to him?
A. He certainly did!
B. It would be unfair of God, the Creator and Sustainer, to ask that of anyone.
C. Bible records do not reveal this.
D. Obedience had nothing to do with God's promise to Abraham.
8. Was Abraham actually promised the EARTH forever?
A. The Bible is not specific about this.
B. Yes, the Bible clearly shows that God's original promise to Abraham EXPANDED until it includes eternal inheritance of the whole earth.
C. No, he was promised heaven.
D. We are promised the earth forever, but Abraham wasn't.
9. Since the Christian is promised ETERNAL inheritance of the earth, does this also mean that he must have eternal life in order to receive his inheritance?
A. Yes, for ETERNAL inheritance obviously involves and includes everlasting life.
B. Not necessarily.
C. It would seem so, but it really isn't true.
D. Definitely not!
10. Was the promise of everlasting inheritance made to anyone else besides Abraham?
A. No.
B. Yes, to a "Seed."
C. The Bible says the promise was made to Abraham ONLY!
D. The Bible is vague on this point.
11. The word "Seed" in Genesis refers to
A. Christ.
B. the Jews.
C. a kind of garden seed.
D. an offspring of one of the Gentile nations.
12. What territory did God ORIGINALLY promise to Abraham?
A. An area in Russia.
B. An area in South America.
C. The area of Palestine.
D. An area in heaven.
13. What do we find included in the promise today?
A. All of Russia.
B. All of South America.
C. The whole earth.
D. All of heaven.
14. Does this promise also include eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of God?
A. Of course not.
B. Yes, the Bible says it does.
C. It couldn't possibly include that.
D. That would be too good to be true.
15. Since the promise includes ETERNAL inheritance in the Kingdom of God, does this also include EVERLASTING life?
A. It wouldn't seem reasonable to think so.
B. Obviously it does.
C. Definitely not!
D. That would depend upon one's OWN interpretation of the Bible.
16. In what manner do Abraham's modern-day, blood-descendants -- the Israelites, which include the Jews -- come in on the promise of eternal inheritance?
A. Through the "Seed" -- Christ -- by becoming a Christian.
B. Through denying that Christ is the Savior.
C. Through believing that Christ was just a good man, but nothing more.
D. Through refusing to recognize Christ as their coming Ruler.
17. Through whom do GENTILE nations of today come in on the promise of eternal inheritance?
A. They come in through a way other than that through which Abraham's blood-descendants come into the promise.
B. They come in the same way as do Abraham's descendants -- through Christ.
C. They cannot come in on the promise.
D. The Bible does not reveal this.
18. Do we also, like Abraham, have to be obedient to inherit the promise?
A. No, for we are now under grace.
B. Absolutely not! -- for the law has been done away.
C. Of course not, for "everyone knows that no one can keep the law," so no one can be obedient.
D. Yes, the Bible shows we do.
19. Does something have to happen to our mortal bodies before we can inherit the Kingdom of God?
A. We are not told anything about this in the Bible.
B. Yes, our mortal bodies must be changed into SPIRIT, for "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God."
C. No change is necessary since our "immortal souls" go to heaven when we die.
D. Our mortal bodies need not be changed into spirit to inherit God's Kingdom.
20. Will it take God a long time to change our bodies from mortal flesh to immortal spirit?
A. Yes, for it is a difficult process.
B. No, it will take but a "moment."
C. Since our bodies are flesh and blood, it would naturally take considerable time to change them.
D. Yes, for God does not perform miracles any more.
21. Which ONE of these four statements is RIGHT in respect to the true Christian?
A. He cannot ever receive the promise made to Abraham.
B. He does not have to be transformed -- changed into spirit -- to receive his promised inheritance.
C. When changed to a spirit being he will not receive the same inheritance promised to Abraham.
D. When changed to a spirit being he will receive the same inheritance promised to Abraham.
22. Have we much time left in which to qualify to become inheritors of the earth and of the Kingdom of God?
A. There is plenty of time left.
B. There is no hurry for God is not willing that any should perish.
C. There is still time left, but none to spare.
D. Time will be extended if enough are not ready at Christ's second coming.
23. Abraham, the man God called out of the ways of this world and to whom He gave the promise of eternal inheritance,
A. obeyed God at once without questioning.
B. demanded many signs and wonders before he would take any steps.
C. was too much in love with the ways of this world to really want to make a change.
D. could not make up his mind about following God's instructions.
Lesson 14
24. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul arose from
A. the teachings of pagan Greek philosophers who acquired it from Egypt and Babylon.
B. the teachings of the Old Testament.
C. the writings of the apostle Paul.
D. the Protestant reformers who were the first to teach such a doctrine.
25. God formed man at creation
A. out of spirit.
B. out of the dust of the ground.
C. as an immortal spiritual soul encased in a material body.
D. out of incorruptible and immortal flesh.
26. Man is
A. not subject to death.
B. an immortal soul that continues to live on after death.
C. a living soul subject to death just like the beasts of the field.
D. not like an animal in the sense that he does not die as do animals.
27. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. Life can come only from previously existing life.
B. All living matter is composed of protoplasm.
C. The life of all living matter on this earth is temporary.
D. The life of plants and animals is distinct from and INDEPENDENT of the materials composing these plants and animals.
28. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. To give the first man life, God breathed air into his lungs.
B. The source of the physical life in both animals and man is the same -- oxygen in the blood.
C. When man's breathing stops, life ceases and the man dies.
D. In addition to breathing air into the first man's nostrils, God placed within him an "immortal soul."
29. Eternal life
A. is the gift of God, who has eternal life inherent in Himself.
B. is inherent in all men from birth.
C. is always given to people immediately upon their "confessing Christ."
D. is a fable held by those who are "religious."
30. The pagan Greek philosophers
A. believed life always ended at death.
B. did not have any influence on the Catholic Church.
C. quoted from the Bible as their authority.
D. used human reason to prove that man must have an immortal soul.
31. Physical science
A. can prove the existence of immortal souls.
B. can disprove the existence of immortal souls.
C. has no tools whereby it can determine or deny the existence of spiritual things.
D. reveals all the laws concerning the spiritual world.
32. Science has proved
A. that physical life is a property of protoplasm which composes the human body.
B. that the soul leaves the body at death.
C. that there can be no resurrection.
D. that man was not created, but rather evolved from warm ocean slime.
33. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE? The famous poet, Dante Alighieri, popularized
A. scientific thinking.
B. the law of biogenesis.
C. Luther's teachings.
D. the pagan concepts of hell, purgatory and paradise.
34. Which ONE of these four statements is true?
A. Man continues to think even after he dies.
B. The Bible reveals nothing about the source of man's life.
C. God cannot destroy the wicked because they have immortal souls.
D. The soul can die.
35. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. The word "spirit" in the Bible sometimes refers to the mind of man.
B. The word "spirit" may also refer to God or an angel because God and angels are composed of spirit.
C. The word "spirit," when referring to an attribute of man, may mean the breath.
D. Whenever the word "spirit" is used in regard to man it means an "immortal soul."
36. Are animals and men both souls?
A. Yes, the Bible calls both men and animals "souls."
B. We cannot know because we can never be sure of what the Bible means.
C. No, because souls cannot die, but animals can die.
D. No, the Bible never calls an animal a "soul."
37. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE?
A. The Hebrew word NEPHESH, often translated "soul," is also translated "creature" when referring to animals.
B. Man's mind is sometimes called a spirit because the functions of the human mind are made possible by the "spirit in man."
C. The word "spirit" is often translated from Hebrew or Greek words meaning "breath" or "wind" or "air."
D. There is no need of a resurrection because man is already an "immortal soul."
38. Which ONE of these four statements is FALSE? In the Holy Bible
A. the word SOUL sometimes refers to the whole man.
B. the word SOUL sometimes refers to the physical life of man which is in the blood.
C. the word SOUL sometimes refers to a dead body.
D. the word SOUL means an "immortal soul" inside of man.
39. Both men and animals
A. can live forever.
B. are breathing, mortal souls.
C. have immortal souls residing in them that continue to think after death.
D. have the hope of a resurrection.
40. What is death?
A. The cessation of life.
B. The portal through which man passes into heaven or hell.
C. The moment when the "immortal soul" of man, separated from his body for the first time, has an independent, conscious existence in another world.
D. It is man's best friend.
41. The Council of Lateran in 1513 decreed that
A. the soul is immortal and that all who deny this teaching are heretics and worthy of death.
B. the Bible is the only source by which we can determine the nature of man.
C. the soul is by nature mortal.
D. all have a legitimate right to their own beliefs.
42. The subject of death should
A. not be studied because it is so "mysterious."
B. be studied from the viewpoint of human reason.
C. be studied by comparing the various philosophies of the world with one another for the answer.
D. be studied by letting the Bible reveal just what death really is.
43. When a person dies, his thoughts
A. perish.
B. thereafter are centered on the glory of God in heaven.
C. are at once devoted to the constant praise of God in heaven.
D. center about his past life in the flesh.
44. Over 1000 years AFTER King David had died, the inspired apostle Peter declared that David
A. had ascended into heaven.
B. was DEAD and buried -- asleep -- in the grave.
C. was in purgatory, suffering punishment for his sins.
D. was one of the spirits in prison to whom Christ preached after His crucifixion.
45. A resurrection of the dead is necessary
A. in order to unite the body with the "immortal soul" again.
B. because this is the only way the UNCONSCIOUS dead can be restored to life.
C. only for those who lived before Christ came -- since that time we can go straight to heaven.
D. in order that God can torment the body as well as the soul in hell.
Lesson 15
46. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE? The people of the WORLD believe "hell" to be a place
A. where a merciful God quickly causes the wicked to cease to exist.
B. where God shows His love and mercy.
C. which has not yet come into existence.
D. where a vengeful God punishes the sinful forever with inconceivable torments.
47. IS there any such thing as a "hell" mentioned in the Bible?
A. No, the idea is a complete falsehood based only on man's imaginings.
B. Of course not! A loving God would never allow a "hell" to exist.
C. There might be, but there is no way to know.
D. Yes, for Christ speaks of "hell."
48. From where has the world received its FALSE concept of "hell"?
A. From God.
B. From the pagans, who passed the idea to the "ministers," who then taught it to the world.
C. The world didn't receive it from anyone, for each person has thought out his own concept of "hell."
D. People don't have any ideas at all regarding a "hell."
49. Would a just and loving God condemn to "hell fire" the vast majority of all the people who ever lived and never even heard about CHRISTIAN salvation -- of SAVING KNOWLEDGE?
A. Of course He would!
B. Absolutely NOT!
C. Perhaps.
D. It is reasonable to believe He would.
50. Christ talked about a "hell fire" in which one of the following scriptures?
A. John 1:1.
B. Hebrews 5:2.
C. Mark 9:45.
D. Mark 10:7.
51. The original Greek word "gehenna" is usually translated in the Bible as the WORD
A. heaven.
B. purgatory.
C. hell.
D. paradise.
52. Gehenna fire
A. refers to the fire that burned in the "Valley of Hinnom," which is a TYPE of the final "hell fire" that will consume all the incorrigible wicked.
B. refers to the grave where people are buried.
C. has no reference to either fire or the grave.
D. refers to a reward for doing good deeds.
53. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE? Whenever you see the word HELL in your Bible,
A. it always refers to a grave.
B. it can only refer to "hell fire."
C. it usually means a place where fallen angels are restrained.
D. you should look into an exhaustive concordance for the meaning of the ORIGINAL Greek or Hebrew word if you wish to be ABSOLUTELY SURE of the meaning of THAT particular word "hell."
54. The word HELL in the New Testament can have
A. only one meaning: "hell fire."
B. as many as two meanings: "hell fire" and the grave.
C. as many as three meanings: "hell fire," the grave, and a place, or condition, of restraint for fallen angels.
D. a vast number of meanings.
55. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE regarding the meaning of the word HELL in your Bible? You can
A. be certain that when you see the word "hell" in your Bible it always means a TORTURING "hell fire."
B. sometimes deduce its meaning by the context around it.
C. always know what it means WITHOUT checking it in an exhaustive concordance.
D. never know what it means.
56. When a person dies he
A. immediately goes to heaven, if he has led a "good" life.
B. immediately goes to "hell fire," if he has led a "bad" life.
C. ceases to exist and is usually buried in a grave, regardless of the kind of life he led.
D. immediately goes to purgatory.
57. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE? A person
A. receives final judgment the moment he dies.
B. is already, at birth, predestined to be saved or lost -- he doesn't need any final judgment.
C. is never judged.
D. receives final judgment at the resurrection.
58. God says that all people will be judged by
A. His Word -- the Holy Bible -- which defines what sin is.
B. whether or not they played cards to entertain themselves.
C. whether or not they went to theaters.
D. how many Christmas baskets they helped to distribute.
59. Your Bible says the "wages of sin is."
A. living eternally in outer darkness apart from God.
B. eternal torment in "hell fire."
C. being destroyed forever by a worldwide flood.
D. eternal death by fire.
60. "Hell fire" will
A. have no effect on the bodies of the wicked.
B. only char the bodies of unrepentant people.
C. be just hot enough to torment the wicked, but not burn them.
D. utterly consume the wicked so they will never be remembered.
61. "Hell fire" is to be
A. EVERLASTING fire burning in the cavernous depths of the earth.
B. "quenched" before all the incorrigible wicked are burned up.
C. this earth's surface burning up.
D. a place where the Devil torments the wicked.
62. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE?
A. The earth's surface will only partially burn up when the wicked are destroyed.
B. God promised to never again destroy this earth's surface by fire.
C. The entire earth's surface will burn when the unrepentant and man's works are consumed.
D. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the earth will burn.
63. The kindest thing God could do is
A. to give rebellious, disobedient people ETERNAL LIFE so they can eternally continue tormenting themselves and others by their ways of sin.
B. let this world continue forever in the way it is now going.
C. to blot out all mankind when Jesus Christ returns.
D. to destroy forever the life of anyone who REFUSES to live His happy way of life.
64. The parable of Lazarus and the rich man proves
A. there is to be eternal punishing of the wicked.
B. there is to be no punishment of the wicked.
C. a "hell fire" will not exist.
D. there is to be a resurrection of the righteous to eternal life.
Lesson 16
65. Eternal life is
A. something you were born with.
B. given only to those who believe everything their preacher says.
C. given to all children at the time they are sprinkled in church.
D. a free GIFT of God unmerited by human righteousness.
66. To "be born again" means
A. to be baptized.
B. to repent of sin.
C. to accept Christ.
D. to be changed into spirit at the resurrection -- to be literally born into the Family of God!
67. In the resurrection we shall
A. be made spirit and be born as the very Sons of God.
B. be as we are now -- only we shall live forever.
C. be only angels and not be the very sons of God.
D. not be like Christ.
68. God will give us eternal life
A. when we are BORN AGAIN at the resurrection.
B. without being born again.
C. by creating immortal souls in us.
D. without changing our mortal bodies.
69. When we are born again,
A. we shall still be composed of flesh and blood.
B. we shall be composed of spirit.
C. we become members of the church and can take part in temperance campaigns.
D. we can still sin.
70. Which ONE of these four statements is TRUE?
A. We cannot sin when we are born of God.
B. We are immediately born again when we "confess Christ."
C. We are born again when we join the church of our choice.
D. Our change from mortality to immortality does not take place at the resurrection.
71. The new birth involves
A. a complete change in the nature and composition of man.
B. swearing off movies, drink, and such.
C. preaching Christ on street comers.
D. doing what you think is right from henceforth.
72. We need the Holy Spirit of God
A. because that is the only way we can "speak in tongues."
B. because that is the only way we can "fall under the power."
C. because the Holy Spirit makes us immediately born again.
D. because man, born of physical parents, has no eternal life, and must receive the Holy Spirit which alone can impart it.
73. The Holy Spirit
A. is the impregnating "germ" of eternal life.
B. does not come from God the Father.
C. is not promised to Christians.
D. always comes with "pentecostal manifestations."
74. The conditions to receiving the Holy Spirit are
A. repent, believe and be baptized.
B. waiting in a "tarry meeting" and seeking to speak in tongues.
C. not defined in the Bible.
D. joining a church and taking the Lord's Supper every Sunday morning.
75. God gives the Holy Spirit ONLY to those who
A. perform miracles.
B. disobey Him.
C. obey Him.
D. follow their conscience and do what society thinks is right.
76. Repentance, one of the conditions to receiving the Holy Spirit, means
A. doing penance.
B. confessing Christ before men.
C. doing what the church of your choice teaches.
D. admitting your ways are wrong, asking God to forgive you, and beginning a new life of obedience to God and His laws.
77. You can know the difference between the HOLY SPIRIT and any COUNTERFEIT spirit by
A. whether or not one speaks in tongues.
B. whether or not one prophesies.
C. the fruits -- that is, whether one is obedient or disobedient to the commandments of God.
D. no known means -- we just have to accept each spirit as it comes along!
78. The fruits of the Spirit of God are
A. singing and dancing and shouting "in the spirit"!
B. love, joy, peace, patience, etc.
C. idolatry, failing to tithe, sabbath-breaking, etc.
D. joining a church and helping to make this a better world through the organizations of men.
79. When a human being receives the Holy Spirit, he
A. feels the Spirit.
B. hears the Spirit.
C. cannot have the emotional experience of joy and happiness.
D. is begotten of God the Father.
80. Are Christians now only begotten, or are they already "born" of God?
A. Neither. God cannot reproduce children.
B. Christians are now already born of God.
C. Christians are now already both begotten and born again. There is no difference in meaning according to the Bible.
D. They are not yet born of God. True Christians are now only the begotten children of God, awaiting the resurrection when they shall be born again, this time of spirit.
81. According to the Bible,
A. anyone who is now begotten of God cannot sin.
B. those who have received the Holy Spirit now are absolutely perfect.
C. we can have the mind of God if we receive the Holy Spirit.
D. spirit is not eternal. Now That You've Finished ...
Fill out your answer card as instructed on page 3. After doing this, check over your completed answer card with the answers you circled in the test to be ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU placed the X's in the proper squares. Also check to see that your name and address has been PRINTED CORRECTLY on the mailing label! If you have moved or changed your name, please print the changes on the label.
Mail your completed answer card back to us by just adding postage and dropping it into a mailbox. But be sure not to bend or fold it. Smooth cards help us to speed the grading of thousands of test cards every month.
BE SURE TO KEEP THIS FOURTH TEST. Notice that it has three holes punched in its margin. This is so you can FILE IT IN YOUR NOTEBOOK after the four lessons it covers.
REVIEW these questions occasionally. Why? Because reviewing will impress the true answers more firmly upon your mind. And reviewing the false answers given for each question will help you to realize more clearly some of the FALSE ideas which you may have taken for granted. You will thereby grasp and retain the TRUTH much better when it is presented to you in future lessons. -------------------------------------------------- RELATED STUDY HELPS
Be sure to request your copy of the free booklets and reprinted articles listed below, if you do not already have them. They will help you further understand the subjects covered in Lessons 13, 14, 15, and 16. LESSON 13:
Did the "Thief on the Cross" Enter PARADISE IMMEDIATELY? LESSON 14:
Why Were You BORN?
IF YOU DIE ... Will You Live Again?
Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation?
15 LESSON 16:
Just What Do You MEAN ... BORN AGAIN? --------------------------------------------------
How to Use a Bible Dictionary
The Ambassador College Correspondence Course is a course in the study of the Bible. It directs you to look up various verses throughout the BIBLE, and helps you PUT THEM TOGETHER so that you can thoroughly understand every point covered in each lesson.
This is true BIBLICAL RESEARCH! Should We Use Other Books?
With the help of this Correspondence Course, you can study the Bible WITHOUT EVER OPENING ANY OTHER BOOK! However, there is some outside study and research you can do in addition. There are certain other books which will ADD to making the Bible even MORE interesting and alive. A broad knowledge of the customs, social and educational life, history of the people, together with a knowledge of the geography of the country, is a great help in visualizing and understanding events mentioned in the Bible.
As we mentioned in a previous lesson, there are various reference books which will help you in your Bible study. A few are pictured above.
Any of these books can be found in the REFERENCE SECTION of your public library. Why not plan to go to your library and actually look up, and do special research on some of the points mentioned in this course?
In this test we will briefly show you how to use two of these Bible study aids -- a Bible dictionary (Peloubet's) and an exhaustive concordance of the Bible (Strong's). How to Use a Bible Dictionary
A Bible dictionary -- and there are several -- describes people, places and things mentioned in the Bible. It also gives a general explanation of certain KEY WORDS found in the Bible.
Take for example the word "hell," which we studied in Lesson 15. We showed how translators have WRONGLY USED the English word "hell" in translating from the original Greek language. We quoted from Hastings' "Dictionary of the Bible" to show that there are actually THREE Greek words -- each with a DIFFERENT MEANING -- translated as "hell."
But how many of you actually went to your public library and READ THE QUOTES from Hastings' "Dictionary of the Bible"? Probably just a very few!
On the opposite page is the quote regarding the word "hell" from Peloubet's "Bible Dictionary". Notice that it says basically the same things about the word "hell" as does Hastings' "Dictionary of the Bible". (We haven't quoted from Hastings in this test -- YOU can look this up for yourself at the library.)
It's really very simple to do some quick research. But YOU must have the desire and exert the effort. When you do, it will enrich your Bible study and make it even more interesting and alive! --------------------------------------------------
HELL. In the Old Testament this is the word generally and unfortunately used by our translators to render the Hebrew SHEOL. It really means the place of the dead the unseen world, without deciding whether it be the place of misery or of happiness. It is clear that in many passages of the Old Testament SHEOL can only mean "the grave." and is so rendered in the Authorized Version; see, for example, Gen. 37:35; 42:38; 1 Sam. 2:6, Job 14:13. In other passages, however, it seems to involve a notion of punishment, and is therefore rendered in the Authorized Version by the word "hell." But in many cases this translation misleads the reader. The English Revisers sometimes use the word "Sheol" in the text, in other places hold to the translation hell, grave, pit, as in the A.V. and put Sheol in the margin. The American Revision discards all translations and consistently places Sheol throughout in the text. In the New Testament "hell" is the translation of two words, HADES and GEHENNA. The word HADES, LIKE SHEOL, sometimes means merely "the grave," Acts 2:31; 1 Cor. 15:55; Rev. 20:13, or in general "the unseen world." It is in this sense that the creeds say of our Lord, "He went down into hell," meaning the state of the dead in general, without any restriction of happiness or misery. In cases where hell is the translation of "Hades," the revisers have put simply "Hades."
Hell is used more properly as the translation of Gehenna, as the place or state of the just retribution for the finally impenitent. The term Gehenna is the Hebrew for the "valley of Hinnom," south of Jerusalem where the unusable refuse of the city was burned. Here also was the scene of gross and cruel rites of heathenism, including the burning of children to Molech (2 Chron. 28:3; 33:6; Jer. 7:31; 2 Kings 23:5, 10).
"The terrible associations of the place, the fires said to have been kept burning in it in order to consume the foul and corrupt objects thrown into it, make it a natural and unmistakable symbol of wasting penalty" for being the polluted, sin-breeding incurable moral refuse of the world. --------------------------------------------------
How to Use a Concordance
The Bible is written "here a little and there a little." God has put GAPS between RELATED material. This related material naturally has the same subject, and often many of the SAME WORDS will be used in each of these separated passages.
By using a concordance, which has all the words of the Bible arranged alphabetically -- and which tells the book, chapter and verse where they may be found -- you can BRING RELATED MATERIAL TOGETHER and close these gaps, thereby obtaining the TRUE MEANING of what the Bible has to say about any subject. The Word "Hell"
For example, an exhaustive concordance like Strong's, will bring together every verse in which the English word "hell" is used in the Bible.
On the opposite page we have reproduced a portion of the page from Strong's which lists all the places where the word "hell" is found. Notice the numbers at the right of the verses in the section on "hell." Notice also that there are only THREE Greek words translated "hell" in the New Testament.
Once you have the numbers, then turn to the Greek dictionary located in the rear of Strong's. Next to the number you are looking for will be the ORIGINAL GREEK word and its meaning. We have reproduced these three words and their meanings from Strong's at the bottom of this page. (Of course, all meanings given for each word are NOT NECESSARILY CORRECT AND CLEAR. But if you understand the subject, the true meaning WILL become obvious.)
Notice that this little research project bears out very plainly the important point we explained in Lesson 15 -- that there are only THREE separate Greek words translated "hell" in the New Testament. One simply means the GRAVE. The second refers to the VALLEY OF HINNOM and the FIERY DESTRUCTION of the incorrigible wicked. The third refers to the CONDITION OF RESTRAINT in which the Devil and his demons abide.
You can look up each of these words in Strong's Concordance for yourself. Then you will see with your OWN EYES that what we said in the lesson is absolutely true!
Using an exhaustive concordance is very simple. It merely requires YOUR GOING to the public library REFERENCE SECTION, pulling the concordance off the shelf and looking up these words for yourself! -------------------------------------------------- (Reproduced from Strong's Concordance) 86. hades, hah'-dace; from 1 (as a neg. particle) and 1492; prop. unseen, i.e. "Hades" or the place (state) of departed souls: -- grave, hell. 1067. geenna, gheh'-en-nah; of Heb. or [1516 and 2011]; valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerus., used (fig.) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: -- hell. 5020, tartaroo, tar-tar-o'-o; from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: -- cast down to hell -------------------- HELL Mt 5:22 fool, snall be in danger of h* fire. 1067
29, 30 body should be cast into h*. " 10:28 to destroy both soul and body in h*. " 11:23 shalt be brought down to h*: for if * 86 16:18 and the gates of h* shall not prevail* " 18: 9 two eyes to be cast into h* fire. 1067 23:15 more the child of h* than yourselves. "
33 can ye escape the damnation of h*? " M'r 9:43 than having two hands to go into h*, "
45 having two feet to be cast into h*. "
47 having two eyes to be cast into h* fire" Lu 10:16 heaven, shalt be thrust down to h*. * 86 12: 5 killed hath power to cast into h*; 1067 16:23 in h* he lift up his eyes, being in * 86 Ac 2:27 thou wilt not leave mv soul in h*, * "
31 that his soul was not left in h*, * " Jas 3: 6 nature; and it is set on fire of h*. 1067 2Pe 2: 4 sinned, but cast them down to h*, 5020 Re 1:18 have the keys of h* and of death.* 86
6: 8 Death, and h* followed with him.* "
18 20:13 death and h* delivered up the dead * "
14 death and h* were cast into the lake* " -------------------------------------------------- The Correspondence Course Department NOW ALLOWS YOU TO GRADE YOUR OWN TESTS! Once you have finished taking Test Four, check your circled selections with the correct answers listed below and grade yourself accordingly. That's all there is to it. There's NOTHING to send back! CORRECT ANSWERS FOR TEST FOUR 1-C 10-B 19-B 28-D 37-D 46-D 55-B 64-D 73-A 2-B 11-A 20-B 29-A 38-D 47-D 56-C 65-D 74-A 3-A 12-C 21-D 30-D 39-B 48-B 57-D 66-D 75-C 4-D 13-C 22-C 31-C 40-A 49-B 58-A 67-A 76-D 5-C 14-B 23-A 32-A 41-A 50-C 59-D 68-A 77-C 6-C 15-B 24-A 33-D 42-D 51-C 60-D 69-B 78-B 7-A 16-A 25-B 34-D 43-A 52-A 61-C 70-A 79-D 8-B 17-B 26-C 35-D 44-B 53-D 62-C 71-A 80-D 9-A 18-D 27-D 36-A 45-B 54-C 63-D 72-D 81-C -------------------------------------------------- GRADE YOURSELF Simply count the number of questions you missed. Your grade will be next to that number below. 1 - 99 9-89 17-78 2 - 97 10-87 18-77 3 - 96 11-86 19-76 4 - 95 12-85 20-75 5 - 94 13-84 21-73 6 - 92 14-82 22-72 7 - 91 15-81 23-71 8 - 90 16-80 24-70 --------------------------------------------------